Here's the cover illustration for the forthcoming Sheri S. Tepper hardcover, THE MARGARETS (HarperCollins/Eos). I've seen an advance copy of the book and while I'm really happy with the way the illustration printed on the jacket, unfortunately if you look at the jacket end flap, you won't know the art is by me. The company made a mistake and printed the wrong illustration credit. Really disappointing, since I'm proud to be a part of this book. In the art department's defense, these things happen. When you consider the vast number of jobs that go through a hard-working art department at a big company like HarperCollins, it's actually amazing that these things happen so seldom. So oh well....the good thing is that they're all great folks over there, and apologies were swift and sincere. We'll do plenty more covers together down the road. Now that you know who really did the cover art, check out THE MARGARETS when it hits stores everywhere next week!
Well done...another striking cover.
So...when does COVER STORY II come out?
And anyone who sees this cover and has even the remotest knowledge of your work will have no trouble identifying the artist. Another great cover!
Thanks, JD....thanks, Scott.
Yeah, I may have to catch my breath a bit before I'll be ready to think about another art book. :) You'll be the first to know, J....I'm grateful that the current art book has had the legs that it's had.
Scott -- 'Appreciate it. Traci got your phone message and told me you called. We were away from the phone. I'll call you tomorrow....
Given that I would know a Picacio cover from a mile off, I don't think you need to worry about it not being seen as yours (at least by me).
Congrats -- Tepper is one of my favorite authors.
Hey, John --
Heh. I appreciate that. Kind of you to say. Yeah, I'm looking forward to what Sheri's legions of fans think of her new book. Hope you like it as well. Congrats to you too on all of your tour madness.....looks like really good times...:)
As one of her legions of fans, I thought the book AND the cover, were both great.
Thanks, Elspeth. I really appreciate it. Very much looking forward to Conestoga next month! :)
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