Thanks, folks...

Been working away over here on several assignments, so I'm a bit late on the following. Just wanted to say thanks to a couple of folks. First, to SFRevu. They recently posted their Hugo Recommendations and were kind enough to list me amongst their suggested suspects in the Professional Artist category. Very appreciated. All terrific names in their list, and I'm pleased to see Brian W. Dow listed there as well. His most notable recent cover work was done for Pyr, and besides his really thoughtful covers, the guy is an absolutely amazing modelmaker. For a couple of his Pyr covers, he lovingly crafted spaceships out of household scraps and then used these models as references for his illustrations. I did the same thing on Mike Resnick's STARSHIP: MUTINY and STARSHIP: PIRATE, but I have to hand it to Brian -- his handiwork would make Industrial Light & Magic drool with envy. He's good. So I'm happy to see him getting acknowledgement for his work. Lots of other terrific recommendations overall in the SF Revu Recommendation List, including Lou Anders for Best Professional Editor (Long Form), and Chris Roberson's PARAGAEA (Novel).
Also thanks to John Klima, the mastermind at Electric Velocipede. He offered his Hugo thoughts and he listed COVER STORY: THE ART OF JOHN PICACIO as a nominee in the Best Related Book category. COVER STORY is definitely eligible, as well as SPECTRUM 13: THE BEST IN CONTEMPORARY FANTASTIC ART and Jon Foster's re/volution, amongst other 2006 releases. Good luck to Klima in the Hugo Best Editor (Short Form) category for his work on Electric Velocipede. SFRevu and Electric Velocipede are both excellent considerations in the Best Fanzine category.
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