Wow! World Horror Con 2007 in Toronto.... shaping up to be a fabulous show and we're still two months away. First of all, congrats to Joe R. Lansdale for being recognized with the 2007 Grand Master Award, which will be given at this year's WHC. That's terrific news. The cover for the con's Souvenir Book will be my art that first appeared on Joe's BUMPER CROP collection (Golden Gryphon Press, 2004). And check out this Souvenir know how most cons do these as glossy magazines of varying quality? Hey, not this year's WHC. These folks are blowing it out and doing a fabulous hardcover volume called TRAVELLERS IN DARKNESS, edited by the great Stephen Jones. Seriously, how many cons do their Souvenir Books as a hardcover giveaway? Macho! I can't wait for this.

Check out the preliminary programme preview. There's some really neat stuff happening. I'm very excited about the PS Publishing Launch Party at Toronto's Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation, and Fantasy. How cool is that? You get to party AND take a tour of a historic collection of classic genre works. I'm so there. Peter Crowther, the man behind PS, will be the Publisher Guest of Honor this year and he's releasing a really special tenth issue of his magazine POSTSCRIPTS in conjunction with the show. I did the cover art and the full lineup of writers in this issue is mind-blowing. If you haven't already ordered one of these, you might want to stop reading this, and get one for yourself. Seriously. Michael Marshall Smith, Graham Joyce, Lucius Shepard, Tim Lebbon, Joe Hill, Stephen King, Connie Willis, and more.....pleeeease. Good lord.
Speaking of Michael Marshall Smith, I couldn't be happier that he's the Author Guest of Honor. He's one of my favorites, a brilliant writer, and it's great to see his works celebrated. I'm looking forward to spending time with all of the GOHs.
I could go on, and I probably will as the show approaches,(heck, I didn't even mention that the Stoker Awards take place there this year) but the point is -- WHC2007 is gonna be a wonderful con and if you're not already registered, you should. Anyone out there have any favorite restaurant suggestions for Toronto?
I'm going... thoroughly looking forward to it; first trip across the Pond since 2002.
Anyone know a decent pub? ;-)
Hey, Chris --
Looking forward to seeing you out there. It's gonna be a great show. As far as pubs, I'll definitely be looking. I'm sure the hotel bar will be the place-to-be, as with most WHCs...
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