Cover illustration by me for both of these. Deja vu -- I previously posted the wraparound art for these, but I'm posting this reminder that the books themselves are now available from
Golden Gryphon Press. Shoutouts to publisher Gary Turner and editor Marty Halpern, for two more jobs well done.
George Alec Effinger...this one boasts an introduction by multi-Hugo Award winner
Mike Resnick, and an afterword by
Andrew Fox, author of the cult classic
FAT WHITE VAMPIRE BLUES. It's an elegant, poignant collection of Effinger stories revolving around George's semi-autobiographical character Sandor Courane, and it contains some of the finest writing he ever did.
Bruce McAllister...one of 2007's best single-author collections; it's that good. Bruce was a
Hugo Award finalist this year for his short story "Kin" which is included in this book. I loved his story notes that accompany each piece. Afterword by
Barry N. Malzberg, and an introduction by the great
Harry Harrison who says, "Among top short story talents in the field, McAllister is a leader. Polished, moving, thought-provoking -- this collection is without parallel." Hard to find higher praise than that.

I love, love, love Thousand Deaths. I love how the front cover just looks like he's standing on hilly or sandy terrain. Gorgeous. May be one of my favorite pieces of yours right now.
Hey, thanks! It's an image inspired by "The Wolves of Memory", the longest piece in the book. I'm glad you dig it. :)
Saw that your comment shows up here, but doesn't show up in the comment counter on the blog. Must be a delay with Blogger....maybe once I type this, it'll register on the counter....
I second Dianora's comment. That piece is absolutely fantastic.
Hey, John --
Sorry I neglected to jump back sooner and say thanks. Much appreciated. :) I'll have more soon....
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