Page 123 / Sentence 5

So the latest meme going around has the following instructions: "To participate, you grab any book, go to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and blog it. Then tag five people." Here's mine....from L.E. Modesitt, Jr.'s new release VIEWPOINTS CRITICAL, now available from Tor, cover illustration by yours truly....this is from the story, "Black Ordermage", page 123, sentence 5:
"Two of them looked at me the way Mamaw might have looked at a plump chicken."
So now I'm supposed to tag five people. I'm sure these people don't have busy professional lives either....
* Lou Anders
* Chris Roberson
* Paul Cornell
* Cheryl Morgan
* David Louis Edelman
No, none of you have busy lives, professional or otherwise!
I mean, after all, all you do is sit around & draw!
lol :)
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