Today it arrived. Traci's holding it.
Ballantine/Del Rey kindly sent me an advance copy of
ELRIC: THE STEALER OF SOULS (thanks, Betsy!). Author Michael Moorcock raved about his yesterday. I've been anxious to see it ever since. This book's different. A lot of my 2007 went into this one because I did so many interior illustrations for it, plus the cover. With the exception of my art book, it represents the most work I've ever invested in one project. So yeah, when the package arrived today, I was nervous to say the least.
I'm thrilled, proud, (and relieved) to report that the finished book looks awesome. When Traci arrived home, we celebrated with margaritas at Panchito's and it was unveiled to her for the first time. It'll take a few more examinations before it'll feel real, but it is. It's done, and on February 19th, it'll be everywhere.

Huge thanks to Betsy Mitchell, editor-in-chief of Del Rey. She made this happen. Many thanks to Kaitlin Heller, Julie Schroeder (designer), and Dave Stevenson (Del Rey's Chesley-nominated art director). Proud to be part of your team. Lastly, thanks to A for being a warrior and a true friend, and to Mike and my wife Traci for everything. Much more Elric in the coming days....
I look forward to hearing your thoughts, Dave. With Kaluta, Sweet, and Ellis following up after me, I'm glad I'll be back for Book Six. I definitely learned a lot from doing this first one....
I cannot cannot cannot wait for this!!!
Thanks, man. Yeah, aside from the contents you already know about, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at all of the little extras in this book.....they really help to capture the context in which Elric was first written and received.....pretty cool...
That looks GREAT! I will have to pick that up.
By the way thanks for all the kind words in your previous post. Small world isn't it?? My degree was a first professional, I didn't get an undergrad degree in architecture.
If you're inclined, you should set up an account at deviantArt.com and throw some of your stuff up there. It's easier (for me, heh heh) to keep track of when you have new artwork up.
Francis --
So sorry for the tardy reply. Things are swirling over here. Yeah, I'm definitely familiar with DeviantArt, but I've never thought about setting up over there. Maybe sometime down the road....might be a good idea....
Heck, I'm lucky if I can keep my own blog updated, much less having multiple blogs/site! Meantime, I'll definitely keep stopping by your blog as well......keep pushing over there. And thanks again! :)
I am overjoyed each time I see a new illustration from you.
I'm so happy that you have a copy of the actual book!
I will treat mine like the most valuable artifact in the world when it arrives.
One day,I hope to cover a huge room with wonderful artwork such as this!
Hi, Lemec --
You're too kind. Hopefully we'll get to see each other on Feb. 23 at the Elric signing in Austin. As far as having artwork on your walls, stay tuned....I'm talking with Mike about making available prints of some of my Elric art, and when it happens, I'll announce it first here on my blog as well as the Miscellany. :)
I can't help salivating over that one. Can't wait for it to hit the virtual shelves!
A copy arrived for me today. I've got these stories in a couple of different editions and this by far is the nicest. I really liked what White Wolf did with the Eternal Champion/Elric stories, but wow, this is an awesome looking book.
And the DVD-like extras are kewl!
Hi, Tony --
I look forward to your thoughts when you get your virtual hands on the book. :) Thanks very much....
Hi, RobD -- That's really kind of you. That means a lot to hear you say that. Believe me, there's lot more in the new edition than just my art.....I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by all the extras that have rarely, if ever, been seen before by most folks.
Hi, RobB -- Big thanks to you too.....again, it means a lot to hear you say that you own other editions, but that you're digging the new one so much. Really makes me feel good. Saw your blog today and it was nice of you to give the book a shoutout. Very cool. And by the way, your Blogger photo never fails to crack me up.....hilarious. :)
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