John Berkey -- SF Hall of Famer?

So as for the title of this post -- here's a thought: anyone out there a paid member of the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle? If so, then you have the power to nominate creators for induction into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. Every year, a list is compiled from the suggestions of paid members, and that list is given to the seven jurors who then deliberate the merits of those individuals, and decide which four get inducted every yesr. I was honored to be one of the jurors for this year's class, and we selected legendary artist Richard Powers as one of this year's inductees. Happy as I am about that, I was secretly disappointed that Berkey was not even on the preliminary list given to us. I knew he was in failing health at the time, and I had hoped to lobby for him before he passed away. This year's HOF class of Powers, the Ballantines, Rod Serling, and William Gibson will be inducted on June 21, but it sure would be nice to see Berkey in next year's class, amongst the sf immortals, where he belongs.
I think you've given hubby & I a reason to finally join the museum - heck, we haven't even to it yet! Must do.
Brought to you from the City by the Bay . . .
Hi, Christine --
Oh boy -- when you and hubby go, you're in for a real treat. It's a dynamite facility. I can't recommend it too highly. I love the balance the Museum strikes between exhibits on sf literature vs. exhibits on sf media. They're really done it right, so far. And with the same ticket you can get into the Experience Museum as well, which is the music portion of the building and I could spend hours over there.....the SF Museum/Hall of Fame is one of my very favorite Seattle things. You're lucky to have it! :)
Hi John!
We've been to the Experience Museum - one could easily spend hours there! We went for the special Bob Dylan exhibit they had.
It's 5:25 am here in San Francisco and I am wide awake! The weather is just like it was in Seattle when we left. Why can't places be open this early? It's another whole 4.5 hours till 10 am!
Have a good day over there..... glad to hear you folks are enjoying the good life. :)
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