Elric in the NYT, and More

News and notes:
1. Tor.com launched this past weekend. Nice mini-gallery of my stuff over there, and overall, just a terrific and dynamic site. Check it out if you haven't already.
2. Several folks have emailed me that Dave Itzkoff reviewed ELRIC: THE STEALER OF SOULS in the New York Times. All kindly mention that Itzkoff's review fails to mention Alan Moore's intro or my illustrations. Happily and most importantly though, the NYT piece shines a glowing spotlight on the greatness of Mike Moorcock and the book itself, which is all that really matters to me in the end.
3. Attn: anyone living on the upper east coast of the US -- Philcon 2008 has now opened their hotel room block and is taking reservations. However, their website doesn't yet display that info, so here it is. Philcon is this November 21-23 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill, NJ. To reserve your hotel room before they sell out, call the hotel directly (800-381-9553) and be sure to mention "Philcon" to get the con rate for the room block. Remember to specify "quiet" or "hospitality" floor. Online hotel registration will be available as soon as the web site is updated. Guests of Honor include Tim Powers as their Author Guest of Honor (or Principal Speaker as they've dubbed him); Scott Christian Sava as the Special Guest; and yours truly as the Artist Guest of Honor. I'll have new never-seen Elric original art on display there, and lots of other goodies for sure. Be there. :)
Hi John!
Nice to see you here again! I'm surprised you aren't driving to WorldCon with your art in your car - it would be a gorgeous drive this time of year!
Congrats on being the Artist Guest of honour at the PhillyCon!
Thanks, Christine. I'll definitely be in Denver, but if I drove up, it would probably wipe me out by the time the con started. :) So I'll be flying, although you're right....I'll bet the scenery is terrific!
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