Friday, October 24, 2008

MUSE OF FIRE -- PW Starred Review!

Dan Simmons' MUSE OF FIRE releases in December from Subterranean Press, and now it's received a coveted starred review from PUBLISHERS WEEKLY! Congrats to author and publisher.

You've seen the art posted here. Now here's Subterranean's finished front cover design. I dig it! :)


Blogger Cindy C said...

I am in awe of this image. It is really fantastic. Congratulations.

~Cindy C.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful! I still have a special spot in my aesthetic heart for the cover of THE MARGARETS, but this ranks a close second!

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John: That's a great freakin cover. Really am impressed with you ability to continuously reinvent your style.

Jeff Ford

7:54 PM  
Blogger John Picacio said...

Thanks, Cindy! Sorry for the belated response. I've been in Canada, and just got back.

Hi, Maryelizabeth -- I really appreciate it. Thanks! :)

Hey, Jeff -- Again, I appreciate it. Evolution is the name of the game. Hopefully the progress keeps moving forward here...however slowly it seems...:)

2:47 AM  
Anonymous 카지노사이트 said...

Dit stuk van het schrijven is echt een snel een het helpt nieuwe webgebruikers, die wensen in het voordeel van bloggen.

4:40 AM  

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