Tuesday, November 03, 2009

World Fantasy Con 2009

Wow. WFC'09, you were a blast. I had a terrific time as I always do at WFC. Hats off to the con com for a dynamite show. Although the Art Show was definitely not a highlight (low sales and poor turnout), I managed to sell my small display of work (hooray!) and enjoyed the work of several of the artists such as GoH Lisa Snellings, Vincent Villafranca, Erik Gist, Lee Moyer, and Lucas Graciano.

I conducted a one-man slideshow/q&a about cover illustration and design, and was amazed to see how well-attended it was -- easily 200+ attendees in that room, and some say as high as 250. Along with Chris Roberson, I did a 45-min. interview with a prospective TV book-centric TV pilot series called MARGINS. I signed a ton of books. Saw Jerad Walters of Centipede Press unveil the massive Stephen King artbook KNOWING DARKNESS: ARTISTS INSPIRED BY STEPHEN KING. It's a beautiful book (pictured above) and I'm in awe. All Stephen King fans will covet this book. Had many drinks, conversations, and meals with old friends and new. It was the typical WFC, which is to say that it was packed from beginning to end with fun and inspiration. Here's a small set of photos from my iPhone -- check it out. :)


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