Goodbye, 2011

Thanks to George, Parris, Bantam editor Anne Groell, and Bantam art director Dave Stevenson for sharing the journey. Thanks to all of the Brotherhood Without Banners and all of the GRRM fans worldwide who have been so emotional about the art, and championed it, since the July debut.
A note to the legions of ASoIaF and GAME OF THRONES fans, and especially my friends in the BWB -- I didn't know how you'd react to my artwork when I was busy drawing and painting. I didn't expect the worldwide roar that followed the artwork's debut. It meant the world to me, and I appreciate that the work connected with so many of you, even though the calendar was technically only available in North America. I spent a year in Westeros creating the art and I'd go back again in a heartbeat. Many of you have become my friends. We're all on the same team. The 2012 Calendar was the highlight of my 2011.

Karen Haber's MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY ART released in June and featured galleries and interviews with some of the world's best sf/f artists, and yup, I was amongst 'em. If that cover art looks familiar, that's me too. Ditto the UK cover of SCI-FI ART NOW, edited by John Freeman, which featured my artwork for FAST FORWARD 2 (Pyr).

Was nominated again for the Hugo Award this year in the Best Professional Artist category. Seven consecutive years nominated -- zero wins so far. Still no luck there. Very grateful to be nominated. We'll see what happens in 2012.

And what about that New Year? Besides more sf/f covers, I'm working on two major(!), mega-illustration projects that will likely be unveiled in the coming months. I'm grateful to have a terrific wife and fabulous, 17-month-old daughter. 2011 was one of my most successful career years, despite the publishing industry experiencing seismic shifts. I've seen this coming and been discussing it with friends for the last 2 or 3 years. This was a transition year toward my art appearing in more places than just book covers. The 2012 George R. R. Martin Calendar was the first step toward expanding the venues where my art lives. Thanks to that success, I'll be pushing that envelope even more. I don't plan to stop doing sf/f book covers but you'll see my work in more places than just this field.
I've always thought artists worth their salt adapted and responded to their times. That's what I'm currently doing with my 2012 works. Don't be strangers and let me know what you think whether it's here, on Twitter or via Facebook. Very best to you and your families, and I'll see you online or on the road very soon. Happy 2012!