Monday, April 28, 2014

SFAL3 Pre-Show Print Sale!

Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 3 hits Kansas City next week! For those of you that have never attended -- this is three days of sf/f art Woodstock.

Be there. Seriously. There's no event quite like this.

I'll be there again this year -- and I have a special offer for SFAL3 attendees.

Starting today, through Monday, May 5th -- SFAL3 attendees can pre-order ANY 17" x 22" archival print in my shop -- for only $55 each.

And yes, GAME OF THRONES fans -- this includes my A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE signed archival prints. Yes, that's a savings of over 50% from the online retail price on those -- and yes, this offer is ONLY for SFAL3 attendees.

Why do this?

Simple -- it's a win-win.

I save shipping, handling, and extra materials costs, since I'm not shipping lots of extra unsold prints to and from the show. I pass those savings to SFAL3 attendees, who score archival prints of my art at a bargain price.

How do you get yours if you're attending SFAL3? Easy.

1) Email me at john (at) johnpicacio (dot) com, and let me know which 17" x 22" prints you want reserved for you at SFAL3. Deadline for reserving is Monday, May 5th at 11:59pm CST. (DO NOT order through the webshop to score this special SFAL3 price.)

2) You pay at the show, when you pick up your prints. Or if you feel compelled, you can pay me via Paypal and I can give you those details via email.

3) Buyers are encouraged to bring their own protective sleeve or tube to the show. Prints at reduced price do not include protective bag or board.

4) All prints must be picked up and paid for at SFAL3. No mail orders allowed, for this special price.

5) And again -- this offer is only for attendees of Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 3, and only for a limited time.

Aside from the prints that you folks reserve -- I'll only be bringing a VERY small handful of prints to the show. Those prices will be higher than if you reserve yours in advance, and there's no guarantee the one you want will be there. So -- all aboard, SFAL3 attendees! Reserve your prints in advance, and save big money, while you can! :)

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Thank you, NWC 37!

Belated post here. It's been a crazy week after returning home from Norwescon 37 in Seattle. Thanks to all who were there and made it happen!

So much good to say and so few minutes, but highlights included:

• LOTERIA!! That was the biggest game of Loteria I've ever experienced! So much fun. Thanks to all who came out and played. Very cool to have Linda and Mike Moorcock show up too. You're next, Corecon!!

• THE ART OF ELRIC: Great times doing this with Mike Moorcock and Robert Gould. We could've filled twice the room, and twice the time allotted, and still had rubber to burn. So much amazing art over Elric's history, and I never get tired of hearing Mike's stories.

• TOURING THE EMP: Thank you to Jacob McMurray for taking the Moorcocks, Tara Smith, Pierce Watters, Berry Sizemore, and me on a VIP tour of the Experience Music Project Museum. Enjoyed being there to see Mike view Stormbringer enshrined for display for the first time, and witnessing his Hall of Fame plaque. The EMP is a world-class facility and I'm honored to have some of my work as a part of their "Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic" exhibit.

• THE 2014 HUGO AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT: Was happy to be present watching the live announcement from the UK, with a room full of people at Norwescon. Honored to be a 2014 Hugo nominee and again, huge congrats to all on the ballot!

Norwescon is one of my favorite cons, and the people that run it are terrific, and know what they're doing. It's a well-oiled machine. My hat's off to all of them!

Best of times with Lee Moyer, Venetia Charles, Brooks Peck, Robert Gould, Todd Lockwood, Leslie Howle, Rob and Peggy Stewart, Doug and Pat Booze, Jack Skillingstead, Nancy Kress, William Sadorus, Shawn & Katrina Marier, Stina Leicht, Kat Richardson, Spring Schoenhuth, Dave Gallaher, Michael Hanscom, Mike Selinker, Wolfgang Baur, Don Glover, Jeff Sturgeon, Ian Campbell, Duane Wilkins, Art Boulton, and so many more. This list could at least be four times as long.

Special thanks to Tara Smith and Pierce Watters, for being amazing.

It was a terrific con. I love Seattle. I love Norwescon, and thank you to all who always make me feel welcome there.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

My Norwescon 37 Schedule

Here's where to find me at Norwescon.

1) For Game of Thrones fans:

I'll be presenting some behind-the-scenes on the making of my A Song of Ice and Fire artwork at "The Art of John Picacio". 1pm / Friday in Cascade 12.

2) For gaming fans:

Win books and art prizes while learning to play the super-fun game of Loteria (think Mexican Bingo). Everyone who attends scores a free Mexican Tarot card! 6pm / Friday in Evergreen 3 and 4.

3) For Michael Moorcock and Elric fans:

See an exclusive presentation of the best art from the history of Elric of Melnibone, with live commentary by Michael Moorcock, artist Robert Gould, and yours truly. 5pm / Saturday in Cascade 12.

Finally -- if you're attending the con, let me know which of my artworks you would like me to bring as prints for sale. I'm making those decisions this week (especially if there's a particular ASoIaF or Elric artwork you have in mind).

See you soon!
