This photo makes me smile. Check it out. This is the marquee of
The Shed, the barbecue joint where Traci and I ate this past weekend in Mississippi with
Mark Van Name and
Jennie Faries, who were two personal highlights this past weekend at Biloxi's
Coastcon 32. The Shed is out in the middle of nowhere and when you roll up to experience some of the best barbecue of your life (no joke), you see this sign that translates to "Yes, you've arrived in Meat Heaven." Not only is this the kind of legendary barbecue joint that attracts a blues god like Buddy Guy, but I love, love, love that they've got Trent Lott's name flipped over like a voodoo curse against all things bigoted and backward. Epic.
On to Coastcon -- madly catching up here in studio now that I'm home. I was Coastcon's Artist GoH this year and it was a memorable weekend with friends new and old. It was my first trip to Mississippi and I didn't know what to expect post-Katrina, since the town is still recovering from the brunt of one of Mother Nature's toughest punches three-plus years ago. Biloxi's on its way back though, and Coastcon's doing the same, which is doubly admirable in a soul-crushing recession. The con committee really busted its tail to create a successful con under tough circumstances, and I thought they largely succeeded. Highlights:

Enjoyed every moment hanging out with
Michael and Linda Moorcock, two of my favorite people on the planet. Mike and I presented a slideshow called THE ART OF ELRIC and it was a real pleasure to look back at the history of Elric art with him. We did a few signings together as well. It was gratifying to meet Elric fans new and old, and hear that
my Elric artwork fires them up.

As always, I had a blast with my pal
Chris Roberson. Drank and traded laughs poolside with he,
Diana Rowland, and the aforementioned Mark Van Name, and Jennie Faries. Ate great seafood. Ate my first Waffle House meal. Walked the beach with Traci and threw some frisbee shoreside. Had a great time meeting diehard Southern sf/fantasy fans of all varieties, costumed and uncostumed, who are the warmest people imaginable. On the way home, Traci and I spent a few hours in the airport with
Virginia Hey of FARSCAPE fame who was also a featured Coastcon guest. She's terrific and I wish we would've crossed paths sooner at the con.
Shoutouts to a few concom folks who outdid themselves: Ray Boudreau (who may have cloned himself being in so many places at once. Thanks for everything -- take a bow, Ray!); Leanne Allen (who never stopped having fun even when juggling twelve things at once); Jason Fisher (who did a terrific job with tech -- thanks, man!!); Alexis Tucker (who took good care of me and my work in the Art Show); Michael "Scotty" Scot (who gave me and Traci timely car rides with tourguide excellence); Frank and Claire in hospitality who gave me timely internet access when I needed it (thanks to Scotty too for that); and Randolph Allen (who managed the toughest job of all, which is programming). More good folks, much appreciated: Lindsey Hooten, Cheri Slaughter, Rob Cerio, Ken Grimes, Wayne Trovinger, Wayne Hergenroder, Mike & Tiffany Brown, Pauline & John Grigsby, Amanda & Jeremy Lepoma, Matt Duprel, Don Fallo, Stephen Gill, the art auctioneer (his name escapes me at this moment), and of course, the Chairwoman behind it all, Rebecca Smith. Thanks to all, and to any I've regrettably forgotten, thanks to you too for a memorable Coastcon weekend.